Angka yang tertulis diakhir adalah perbesarannya. Jadi kalau anda meminum air mentah, walaupun terlihat jernih, beberapa mahluk hidup yang tergambar pada foto ini akan masuk ke tubuh anda. Coba anda bayangkan?
Daphnia magna (freshwater water flea) (100X)

Philodina roseola (bdelloid rotifer)

Melosira moniliformis, living specimen (320X)

Temora longicornis (marine copepod), ventral view (10X)

Nassula ornata (freshwater ciliate),(630X)

Hydra sp. capturing water flea (40X)

Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Whitespotted bamboo shark)

Water droplet containing a pair of mosquito larvae

Leptodora kindtii (giant waterflea) eye

Daphnia sp. (water flea) and Volvox sp. (green algae)

Closterium lunula (green alga)

Alona sp. (crustacean) mounted in Canada Balsam
with crystals and other artifacts
with crystals and other artifacts

3 day post-fertilization zebrafish embryo

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